Mineral Herbal Tea


Medicinal herbs coming together to give a boost of essential minerals that all of our bodies need to function.

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I don’t know about you, but I try to eat or drink as much nutrients as I can, without having to supplement so much.  A great group of herbs dedicated to give an extra boost. I love to create medicinal infusions every once in a while, and drink it over a couple of days.

Tea infusion: 1-2 tsp for 8oz/1 cup hot water. Cover. Steep for 15 minutes. Drink 2-4 cups per day. As needed.
Medicinal Infusion: 4-5 Tablespoon for 1 liter of hot water. Cover. Steep for 4 hours to overnight. Drink 2-4 cups per day. As needed. Keep 2 cups left over in the fridge for the next day, if you choose to drink 2 cups a day.

Size: 1 oz

Ingredients: Dandelion leaf, Nettle leaf, Greenstraw Oats, Raspberry leaf, Moringa leaf, Horsetail, Red clover
Ingrédients: Feuille de pissenlit, feuille d’ortie, avoine verte, feuille de framboisier, feuille de moringa, prêle, trèfle rouge

Dandelion leaf– Is bitter and used as a mild diuretic in cases of water retention and bladder or kidney issues. Can help treat high blood pressure by reducing the volume of fluid within the body. Contains iron, calcium, carotenoids and high amounts of potassium.

Nettle leaf– High in quercitin, calcium, potassium, silicic acid and iron, Vitamin K, protein, beta-carotene and flavonoids. Has been used for hay fever, arthritis, anemia as well as skin conditions. Anti-inflammatory, tonic, diuretic, and astringent. Nettle helps to restore the body and rebuild energy. Useful for growing pains, the reproductive system in men & women.

Greenstraw Oats– A supportive tonic that helps the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular system. Contains saponins, alkaloids, sterols, flavonoids, silicic acid, starch, proteins, vitamins (especially B vitamins) and minerals (especially calcium).

Raspberry Leaf– Strengthens the longitudinal muscles of the uterus, helping to increasing the power of contractions therefore helping with childbirth and menstrual cramps.  As the leaves astringent, helpful in cases of diarrhea, and and eyewash for conjunctivitis. Also used for as a mouthwash for mouth issues and increases breastmilk. Also gives support to the liver and kidneys. Contains manganese, potassium, tannins, fruit acids (citric and malic).

Moringa leaf– Is adaptogenic powerhouse of vitamins & minerals. Helps to lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, balance hormones, helps in digestion and blood sugar. Helps to stabilize mood and early signs of aging. Also kidney stones, skin issues, asthma, and tuberculosis. Contains vitamins A, E, B6 & C. As well as antioxidants, iron, and tryptophan.

Horsetail–  Can help to quickly repair damaged connective tissue. Also used for rheumatic and arthritic issues, chests conditions (like emphysema), and chronic swelling of the legs.As an astringent, helps bleeding within the urinary tract and cases or cystitis, urethritis and prostate disease. Used as a clotting agent as well as in the bath for sprains or fractures and skin conditions.  Contains silicic acid and silicates, flavonoids, phenolic acids, alkaloids and sterols.

Red clover– Used to treat skin conditions, an expectorant for spasmodic coughs. Helps to relieve menopausal symptoms with its phytoestrogenic activity.Helps with  falling estrogen levels and the effects on the heart and circulation during this time. Helpful for osteoporosis, and prevention and treating breast cancer. Also is used as a blood and lymphatic cleanser, and skin issues, or respiratory conditions. Contains beta-carotene, calcium, vitamin c, a whole spectrum or B vitamins, essential trace minerals like magnesium, maganese, zinc, copper and selenium.


*Caution Horsetail breaks down vitamin B1 (thiamine) and should be taken long term only in combination with a B vitamin supplement.*

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Weight 0.0875 lbs