DIY Garden Herbal Facial toner

Who doesn’t love a DIY beauty project?

You don’t need to have a lot of herbs to make your own beauty products. Carefully collecting your rose petals, chamomile flowers, & your lavender buds from your own garden. Drying them in a dehydrator, or on your own dry rack,( I made a herbal dry rack out of a vintage bobbin holder, click to see me making my own here. ) Then creating small batch beauty products. I mean, what could be better?


The recipe is simple:

2 tbsp rose petals
2 tbsp lavender flowers
2 tbsp chamomile flowers
1 cup witch-hazel

You can easily change the flowers to whatever you have on hand. These are common herbs that I found beneficial for the skin, also because they are in a lot of home gardens as well.

Combine all flowers, pour your witch-hazel and make sure no dry herb is left exposed on the top. Add more medium as need to keep covered. Infuse for a couple weeks, shaking & giving positive intentions every once in a while. Strain after you see deep red color.

I use a 60 ml spray glass amber bottle. You can use it 100% witch-hazel, or add a bit of distilled water to dilute it. I personally, leave it as is. I keep the rest of my toner, in the fridge until I need to refill my toner.

What is your favorite facial herb or flower?


I want to show others that medicine is all around us. There are many common backyard plants that we can benefit from. Including what we use as a day to day culinary herb within our dishes can have a huge impact on our daily health. Being conscience of different common herbs that you might already have in your pantry & work with them to enhance your families health.


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