Sweet dreams-An herbal pillow

I don’t know about you, but I do not sleep well. I have been waking up a lot lately around the 4 am hour. Which in Traditional Chinese medicine would be between 3am-5am, & mean that my Lung qi is out of balance. A lung imbalance would be related to underlying sadness or grief, which could be bothering you. A reduced immune function, fatigue would also shift your qi. Or that you could have condition in your lung area.

While writing this, I can actually say that yes. I am in sadness & grief at this particular moment in my life. Mental health is so important, and it is also important to listen to your body. What she is telling you. She whispers & tickles your intuition. Recognizing a shift in your environment can greatly improve your well – being.

So, I decided to make a dream pillow.

I gathered my ingredients.

  • Hops (for insomnia)
  • Mugwort (for sweet dreams)
  • Lemon Balm (calm & relaxation)
  • Rosemary (improves quality of sleep)
  • Chamomile (calm & relaxation)
  • Rose (soothing the nervous system)
  • Lavender essential oil (promotes relaxation)

Of course my kids wanted to make their own pillows, so I set up:

  • the herbs
  • 1/4 measuring cup
  • A bowl
  • Chopstick
  • Large Muslin tea bag 2 or 3

This is an easy activity that if the exact measurements aren’t perfect the goal is to take care of yourself & experience the magical power of herbs!

Measure out your herbs, break up any large flowers or leaves with your fingers. Giving positive self love energy. 2-3 drops of Lavender Essential Oil. Mix well with a Chopstick. Divide into your bags. About 2, tie the top & place under your pillow!

If you are like me & the boys, you must flip them over during the night. Bruno likes it ‘cold’, & so do I.

Sweet dreams!


I want to show others that medicine is all around us. There are many common backyard plants that we can benefit from. Including what we use as a day to day culinary herb within our dishes can have a huge impact on our daily health. Being conscience of different common herbs that you might already have in your pantry & work with them to enhance your families health.


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